Tag Archives: job creation

It’s All About Jobs – Part III

Thank a farm worker!In part I, I’ve addressed how to figure out your life intent so that the next job you bid on is in alignment with your Higher Self goals (step 1). In part II, I’ve discussed how outer influences of your geographic location influences your ability to create. Once you understand how you create a job or the lack of a job, you will have an intellectual understanding of some very basic reality creation techniques. Now, what I am teaching you here is not something that you even have to be taught – everyone does this day in and day out. Subconsciously, everyone creates their own reality and is a master of reality creation. You have to be to even engage physical reality. No, I am not teaching you anything you don’t already know – it’s just that prior to now you may not have heard these techniques expressed in literary style for your brain to chew on. Believe me when I tell you that it might help, and it could also worsen things. The best approach for me, at least, has been to not think about it too hard. Don’t over-analyze. It’s like when you are riding a bike and doing wheelies and then someone comes around to explain to you the various techniques you engage to do the wheelie. All of a sudden, when you try to do a wheelie, you fall off your bike! Why? It’s because you are for the first time consciously aware of every step you’ve taken to engage this feat and instead of just doing it, you analyze it to death and your mind won’t step out of the way to let you achieve what prior to now was a very natural movement. So, this part is now about understanding the beliefs we have about jobs so we can start to engage new aspects of the same belief systems to create a different reality.

What is a job?

Simple question, right? In fact, we have numerous beliefs about what a job is such that we even create graduated income structures based on what we think are “more valuable jobs” than other jobs. A pizza delivery guy does not make the same income as a database programmer. That is one influence of what we believe a job to be. At the very basic level, a job is a transaction between an employer and an employee whereby the employee trades their time and skill for money.  That’s why people who work for themselves are called “self-employed” and are not considered to hold jobs. There must be an element of transaction between employer and employee and it must involve a trade of skill for money and it falls under the relationship belief systems. If your skills are difficult to obtain, then an employer might compensate you more. If you have no training you are considered to have “few skills.” One of the oddest influences of this belief system of commerce is that people are born needing tons and tons of schooling and training just so they can be “skilled employees.” This, I believe, is the basic belief system we are addressing in a new economy. We are challenging the idea that we are born as “blank slates” that are only valuable as human beings based on whether we can learn some skill an employer finds valuable. So, the belief system of employment actually has various influences from personal value, self-fulfillment, achievement, education, money, and social organization structures, but usually in relation to some other person or entity. It is a relationship belief system.

The Alternate Reality

In order to create a different reality, one takes a belief system, like employment, and uses different aspects of it to “reconfigure” energy to create a new reality. It is done on a individual basis and the more people adopt different aspects of the same belief system, the more chance it has to end up being a mass movement. Consider for a moment that instead of going to school to learn the skills for a job, that you realize that you came into this incarnation with a specific set of skills you are already expert in – your job is actually to discover your talents not be trained to fill someone else’s job description. That reconfigures numerous aspects of the job scenario and intrinsically how you also relate to what you perceive as “other.” This is why learning your life intent is so important. It is you recognizing that you really did come in knowing all you needed to know to engage life. It does not mean you won’t want to engage conventional learning, if later you want to create a different reality that engages those beliefs. Next, and this is the toughie, you have to understand your choices in value judgment; your preferences that have limited your choices up to now. Every aspect of a belief system has a gradient of value from “evil to good” and depending on who we are, there are things we are willing to do and other things we refuse to even consider. The more we understand why we make certain choices, the more we widen our reality to include other choices.

A Case Study

For instance, I am an essence that has defined my life intention as “making the hidden visible.” Life intentions are generally wide and open-ended and not specific, however utterly simple. Practically every action I engage has this theme behind it. I engage actions that make and clarify hidden concepts, structures, beliefs, whatever, and make it visible so that others can gain insight. That theme is throughout not only all of my experiences, but encoded in my choice of body also. My DNA has numerous recessive genes that I bought to the forefront to make visible in my physical manifestation. I do not actually look like my family heritage, and yet it is part of that heritage, just hidden. I can engage that life intention in numerous professions, and I have. When I worked as an engineer, my work consisted of analyzing networks to reveal problems with their delivery system. When I worked as a computer programmer, I used hidden computer languages and converted these into new software applications that allowed others to decode the framework for their proper use. As a freelance writer, I have engaged that intention to educate and enlighten readers. As a teacher, I have used that intention to provide insight to struggling students. The intent is always the same, regardless of the title I hold. I don’t even think I could get a job that did not have something to do with my intent. However, none of those jobs would have been possible if I were not near where that job was available, whether that was physically or in virtual space. The most recent jobs were also not in my immediate reality prior until now due to my value system that I had to work 40 hours a week and make a certain wage to make “enough money.” After I addressed those beliefs, I engaged a different reality. I now actually work fewer hours, but I engage far more of my intent in very creative ways. I have a sense of self-fulfillment that is far more than when I worked in technical areas. I also make a similar wage on an hourly basis, although the hours are fewer. In fact, when I first started writing, I did not believe I could make a good amount of money, but later as I addressed to that value system, my income increased. I’ve also engaged new influences of old belief systems that have widened my opportunities. Have I destroyed any of my beliefs about employment or earnings? No. All I did was notice them and then shifted them into areas that were more productive for the area I lived in, which currently has a high unemployment rate and negative hiring environment.

It’s All About Jobs – Part II

World mapThere is much to this subject, and it has plenty to do with reality creation. In part I, I went over matching intention to your job search. However, that’s just the start. If we are all Powerful Creators able to create what we want in life, why is it that 15 million people are unemployed and probably another 10 million are underemployed? If we really understand YCYOR that statistic alone would tell you that there are plenty of variables in creating a job, and we’re not that good at it! It’s not as simple as creating mashed potatoes, or any other recipe, yet that’s exactly the approach we’re given to “find a job.” My questions, which many unemployed people share is: “How can you FIND a job when there are none available?” The obvious answer is that you can’t. You can’t “find” mashed potatoes in your reality if there are no potatoes in your area, no matter how much you beat empty air. To find a job, one has to be hidden, but available in your immediate area. The same is not completely true if you are creating a job, however, it does influence its appearance.

Hot Potato

Finding a job can be like a game of hot potato. Someone has to have that potato before you can take it from them, but you’re standing in a circle with seven other people hoping for that potato and the intent of this game is to not only find it, but keep it. If you were in Ireland during the Great Famine, odds are it would have been pretty hard to come up with some good potatoes. However, maybe if you lived in Peru, you could still find some good potatoes. Similarly, there are different patterns of job scarcity all over the United States and elsewhere. China has numerous jobs becoming available, while the United States is hemorrhaging jobs. Now, if you are in the United States and jobs disappear, what happens? If you were in the Great Potato Famine, you would most likely hoard potatoes when you had them so your own family wouldn’t starve. If you were a farmer, you would sell the potatoes you did get at a higher price or demand more for them, since they are scarce. Or, if you really got sick of this Hot Potato game, you’d emigrate to a better place – like the United States – and forget about the famine all together. In other words, if you want to “find a job” you had better be willing to move to a place where it’s easier to “find.”

Location and Job Creation

Now, if you create your own job, you won’t have to move – but it may still be beneficial. Why? It’s a question of influences. Everyone around you is creating their own reality and if the mass consensus is that jobs are scarce, you will have to engage numerous influences of that belief system and unless you are a reality creation ninja, any one of those influences can become your next obstacle. They may not be a part of your belief system, but working with others mean you engage these influences via their energy projection in your immediate vicinity, and if your energy is moved by these influences, you end up creating obstacles. You will have to spend an enormous amount of focus and attention on remaining neutral, yet accepting; a very delicate balance that even a trained Buddhist monk would have trouble doing. If you simply move to an area with different cultural and social beliefs, you eliminate negative influences working in contradiction to your energy flow with far fewer effort on your part. Another way to do it, is to stay in the area you are in, but find a group of people who are creating the way you want to create, and engage similar belief systems and influences, so that you can create a vortex of protective energies in a hostile environment. It’s the difference between sailing with the wind or sailing against it. If you really have to sail against it, you’d better have a really good team to help you navigate the bad weather. You can still create your own job regardless of your immediate environment, it just may simply take more “work” on your part and far more awareness of how the wind (energy) moves. Of course, if your intent is to show others how to create despite negative influences, you may find yourself unable to move because it does not align with your Higher Self. Instead, you may find that you are constantly challenged to create positive thing in the worst of conditions. So, consider where you are as well as what your intent is to create your next job.

Continue to Part III